早前,全球引力移民總裁兼創辦人許瑩(Eleanor Hui)獲彭博訪問,指出中國大陸出生的美國EB-5投資移民申請人等候時間長,平均30個月,建議以土耳其、希臘、葡萄等國家身份申請美國E2簽證,縮短輪候時間。
//Eleanor Hui, founder of Hong Kong-based Global Life Immigration, said she’ll advise wealthy Chinese clients against applying for EB-5 visas given the backlogs, requirements for residents to report worldwide income to US tax authorities and restrictions on mobility while waiting for permanent residence. Alternative destinations such as Portugal, Greece and Ireland don’t have such drawbacks, she said.//
//全球引力移民創辦人許瑩表示,由於EB-5積壓眾多申請、需要向美國稅務部門申報全球收入和移民監,她建議富有的中國客戶不要申請 EB-5 簽證。 她說,葡萄牙、希臘和愛爾蘭等替代目的地則沒有這樣的缺點。//
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